Thursday, December 12, 2013

#ReadingCram Read-a-thon Day 4 - Progress and Spine Poetry

Jenny from Juliababyjen's Reading Room and Dana from Dana Square are hosting a Read-a-thon from December 9th - 22nd called End of the Year 2013 #ReadingCram.

Day 3 Progress:
Unlocking Brisingamen by Alana Jewel Mousseau--Finished 194 pages
Spirit by Brigid Kemmerer--144 pages

Total books read so far: 2
Total pages read so far: 736 (+40 minutes of an audiobook)

Challenge #4

Spine Poetry

(From books read in 2013).  Since most of the books I've read are on my Kindle, I just used their titles for my "Spine" poetry.

When You Were Mine
(I'd) Never Let You Fall
(My) Forbidden Cruel Beauty
You Are Mine
(No) More