Jenny from Juliababyjen's Reading Room and Dana from Dana Square are hosting a Read-a-thon from December 9th - 22nd called End of the Year 2013 #ReadingCram.
My daughter really wanted me to read a book that she just finished, so I'm going off my original TBR list with The Familiars. Her happiness is more important than my to-do list! :-)
Day 12 Progress:
The Familiars by Adam Jay Epstein & Andrew Jacobson--119 pages
Total books read so far: 9 (and one novella)
Total pages read so far: 3132 (+40 minutes of an audiobook)
Challenge #12
Most Anticipated 2014 Releases
I actually posted this list for a Top Ten Tuesday a couple of weeks back, so I'm cheating and using the same list (with a couple of additions). :-)
(Click on the cover pic to see the book on Goodreads!)
(Click on the cover pic to see the book on Goodreads!)
And two more that don't have covers yet:
The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa
Sacrifice by Brigid Kemmerer
The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa
Sacrifice by Brigid Kemmerer
Alex @ Book Chick · 586 weeks ago
My recent post Read-a-thon Most Anticipated 2014 Release