The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what's coming up in the week ahead.
Last week on FYFA:
My kids and I have been sick this week, so I've gotten way behind on replying to comments and getting around to other blogs. Sorry if you've missed me!
This is your last chance to enter my Blogoversary Giveaway! Don't miss out!
Here's what you may have missed this week:
My kids and I have been sick this week, so I've gotten way behind on replying to comments and getting around to other blogs. Sorry if you've missed me!
This is your last chance to enter my Blogoversary Giveaway! Don't miss out!
Here's what you may have missed this week:
- That One Summer by C.J. Duggan (review & giveaway) - Still time to win all three books in the series so far!
- American Girl on Saturn by Nikki Godwin (review)
- Defining Destiny by Deanna Chase (review & giveaway) - Still time to enter to win a $100 gift card!
- Waterborn by Kimberly James (Random Reads review)
- Best of the Bunch & Challenge Update - Find out what my favorite February read was!
- Pot of Gold Giveaway - Still time to enter to win an Amazon gift card or a Kindle Fire!
Coming this week on FYFA:
- Mistress of Fortune by Holly West (blast & giveaway)
- This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales (review)
- The Boxcar Baby by J.L. Mulvihill (blast & giveaway)
- The Star Thief by Jamie Grey (review & giveaway)
- Saving Quinton by Jessica Sorenson (review)
Here's what I got this week!
I also won $15 in gift cards this week! Thanks to Mother Daughter Book Reviews, Mismatched Bookends and James Moser!
For Review:
Other Current Giveaways on FYFA:
(Besides the ones that are listed above.)
- My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling - Still time to enter to win all of the books in the series (so far)
- MY BLOGOVERSARY GIVEAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA!! - Last chance to enter to win one of over 50 prizes!!
- Muse Unexpected by V.C. Birlidis (blast & giveaway) - Still time to enter to win a $50 giveaway!
- Five--Out of the Dark by Holli Anderson (review & giveaway) - Still time to win one of two giveaways!
Even More Awesome Giveaways on Other Sites:
- The Bifrost Bridge by James Bradley Clarke - Enter to win a $25 gift card!
Lots of good stuff! Have any giveaways running on your site right now?
Feel free to share them in the comments!
GREATreviewer 90p · 575 weeks ago
Here's my STS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
nmhewitt 98p · 575 weeks ago
silverarrowknits 81p · 575 weeks ago
My recent post Sunday Update - 3/2
nmhewitt 98p · 575 weeks ago
lissiet 69p · 575 weeks ago
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
My recent post Week Recap
nmhewitt 98p · 575 weeks ago