Friday, March 14, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday - Outdoor Reading

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! This is a blog hop that allows bloggers to gain new followers and find some awesome new blogs to follow themselves!

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has a blog that they feature each week!

So, if you're a blogger, come join in on the fun!

Here's today's question -

Spring is in the air! Show off your favorite outdoors reading spot. If you don’t go outside…well where else do you read that isn’t inside your house? We want pics!

Ha!  Well, spring is certainly not in the air around here.  This has been the coldest and snowiest winter we've had in a very long time!!  If I were to take pic outdoors right now, you'd see me freezing on my deck with snow all around me.  I found this picture that my husband took of me reading out on the deck last year (I think it was for some challenge where you were supposed to show yourself reading your current book, but I never ended up using it). You'll find me in this spot a lot during the summer while the kids are swimming in the pool.  Can't wait for warm weather!!

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Is it summer yet! Cannot wait!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
My recent post Review of Under The Never Sky
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
I know right! Not quite Springtime weather around here either...well in the mornings anyway. It's suppose to warm up by this afternoon to around 60 degrees. This winter was the WORST ever. We got snow here a couple of time and WE NEVER get snow.
I actually ran outside to take a quick picture of my favorite outside spot, but I was gonna sit there with my current read and try and take a pic. IT's TOO COLD! lol Check out my blog in a couple months.... I'll have one for everyone then lol
Great pic! Must be nice to have a pool for summer time! We should invest for our kids ;)
Book Hangovers Blabs Books
My recent post Friday's Feature & Follow: Favorite Outside Reading Spot
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
Great spot! I love reading outside when I get the chance, but as we don't have a backyard b/c of renting, I read on the balcony when I can (:

Tina @ Pages of Comfort - old follower via bloglovin, but new via facebook!
My recent post Feature and Follow Friday! 3.14.14
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
Hi new bloglovin friend!
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<3 :-)
Brittany @ Please Feed The Bookworm
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
Jessica@a GREAT read's avatar

Jessica@a GREAT read · 574 weeks ago

Nice! Yeah, winter's been pretty long. Would love for spring, but that never lasts long around me. It gets hot and humid pretty fast and in between that we have tornado weather which causes me to hyperventilate! Probably because I saw Twister as a kid and realized how destructive and dangerous they are! So yeah, while I would love spring, it usually brings that up as well because midwest weather is crazy by nature!

Here's my Follow Friday

Have a GREAT weekend!

Old Follower :)
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
We've been lucky enough to have nice weather this week, but I'm not sure how long it will last. I love lounging around the pool as well. New bloglovin follower =)
Here's my FF
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
I can sympathize. We don't usually see any greenery until late April (and sometimes, not even then). I really can't wait for all these snow to go away!
My recent post The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
I love reading on my deck, too. We've finally started to thaw out, so hopefully you will soon, too!

Old follower. My FF!
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
I wish I had a pool deck, or a pool even, to read nearby, but alas, I only have my garden and outdoor funiture... Still, it gets the job done!

Nora @ The Bookery
2 replies · active 573 weeks ago
It would be awesome to have a deck to read on. Then maybe I'd actually read outside for once.

New follower via GFC, BlogLovin, and Twitter.

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My recent post 5 SNIFFS REVIEW: Immagica by K.A. Last #Giveaway #BooksnifferRev
1 reply · active 573 weeks ago
I cannot wait for some more balmy weather, before Texas summer hits in full force. The perfect weather for outdoor reading - and I don't mind if I do so on my new patio overlooking the greens of my new apartment complex! This is the first time I've done the FFF, so please forgive me! I will be getting on full-board soon, hopefully next Friday!
My recent post COVER REVEAL+GIVEAWAY: Son of Set (Descendants of Isis #2)
Grt Spot..:)

Old Follower..


-Njkinny @ Njkinny's World of Books
My Sunday Feature & Hop
Love reading by the pool. Check out my blog,
2 replies · active 573 weeks ago

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