Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! This is a blog hop that allows bloggers to gain new followers and find some awesome new blogs to follow themselves!
The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has a blog that they feature each week!
So, if you're a blogger, come join in on the fun!
Here's today's question -
Question of the Week: How have your reading habits changed in the past few years? Did you get interested in a new genre? Do you read more? Less? Why do you think your habits changed, if they did.
My reading habits have definitely changed in the past few years. I was a voracious reader as a kid and all through high school, but then stopped reading for the most part in college for some reason. I would still read the occasional book, but it wasn't the same. I didn't really start back up again until a few years ago, when I read the entire Twilight series in a week. I don't know why, but something about that series made me remember why I loved reading and what I'd been missing. I know, I know - lots of people love to rip on Twilight, but it was the book that got me reading again, so I can't say anything bad about it!
I started blogging just over a year ago and have been on a reading rampage since. I read just over 200 books last year and lately I've practically been reading a book a day. Feed My Fiction Addiction has been an appropriate name for my blog lately, though, and I know I need to get a bit better about balance. I mean my kids have to eat, right? I mean, probably ... they should ... something more than peanut butter and jelly? :-)
I started blogging just over a year ago and have been on a reading rampage since. I read just over 200 books last year and lately I've practically been reading a book a day. Feed My Fiction Addiction has been an appropriate name for my blog lately, though, and I know I need to get a bit better about balance. I mean my kids have to eat, right? I mean, probably ... they should ... something more than peanut butter and jelly? :-)
I prefer to be followed via Bloglovin', but another way will work if you don't do Bloglovin'.
tiffyfit 12p · 573 weeks ago
There is a lot I disliked about Twilight, but it read quickly and was enjoyable over all! Not the greatest writing and Bella royally pissed me off (as did Edward), but I couldn't put it down either!
Tiffany @ A_TiffyFit's Reading Corner
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago
2ndRunReviews 81p · 572 weeks ago
Have a great week!
GREATreviewer 90p · 573 weeks ago
I was always a reader myself. Dying for a good paranormal read, which the YA area didn't always provide as a teen. Then years later the genre exploded. So now I read 50/50 adult and paranormal!
Here's my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago
hotteaandagoodbook 17p · 573 weeks ago
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago
bookhangovers 31p · 573 weeks ago
My F&F~ Book Hangovers Blabs Books
My recent post Friday's Feature & Follow: A Change In Reading Habits
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago
Alison Can Read · 573 weeks ago
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago
Hagar · 573 weeks ago
Great Blog!
My recent post Feature and Follow #1
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago
Zareena · 573 weeks ago
Old Follower
My FF .
Zareena @ Books and Books
My recent post Feature and Follow #19
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago
journeythroughfiction 50p · 573 weeks ago
New bloglovin follower =)
Alma @ Journey Through Fiction
My recent post Feature and Follow Friday, #1
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago
Dyane · 572 weeks ago
New follower via GFC
My recent post Feature and Follow
nmhewitt 98p · 572 weeks ago