The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what's coming up in the week ahead.
Last week on FYFA:
I'm posting this a bit late today because I'm still recovering from an exhausting (but awesome) week at BEA! Sorry if I haven't been around commenting on your blogs and responding to your comments this week, but this week I'll be back in full swing! Here's what you may have missed this past week on FYFA:
I'm posting this a bit late today because I'm still recovering from an exhausting (but awesome) week at BEA! Sorry if I haven't been around commenting on your blogs and responding to your comments this week, but this week I'll be back in full swing! Here's what you may have missed this past week on FYFA:
- These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner (review) - So excited that I got the sequel to this at BEA!!
- Starcursed by Nandini Bajpai (review)
- My Last Kiss by Bethany Neal (review & giveaway) - Still time to enter to win!
- BEA Recap Day 1 - Find out all about the BEA Blogger Conference!
- BEA Recap Day 2 - First day of the actual BEA event.
Coming this week on FYFA:
- More BEA posts! - I'll be updating you on the other days of the conference, telling you about the awesome bloggers I met and all of the excitement that was BEA!
- Essence by Lisa O'Kane (blast & giveaway)
- The Golem and The Jinni by Helene Wecker (Random Reads review)
- Of Stardust by February Grace (Random Reads review)
- Best of the Bunch - Find out what my favorite read of May was!
- Random Reads - June's picks (Yep, I'm a bit late on these last few posts, but BEA has thrown off my regular end-of-month schedule!)
Other Current Giveaways on FYFA:
(Besides the ones that are listed above.)
- The Only Boy by Jordan Locke (review & giveaway) - Still time to enter to win a $50 gift card!
- Missing Lily by Annette K. Larsen (review & giveaway) - Still time to enter to win a $25 gift card!
- Taking Angels by C.S. Yelle (review & giveaway) - Still time to enter to win the ebook!
- True North: Finding Us by Allie Juliette Mousseau (excerpt & giveaway) - Still time to enter to win!
Even More Awesome Giveaways on Other Sites:
- Armchair BEA Giveaway - Over at Jellyfish Reads, you can win your choice of one of 12 LBBTQ YA titles!
- Confessions of a Book Geek - Rachel has four different giveaways going on right now! This links up to one of them and then you can see the others in her right sidebar!
Lots of good stuff! Have any giveaways running on your site right now?
Feel free to share them in the comments!
nomispp 64p · 562 weeks ago
You've picked up some nice reads, but i want to see what you got from BEA! Have a great week.
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
My recent post Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up #90
nmhewitt 98p · 562 weeks ago
afterwritten 30p · 562 weeks ago
Glad to hear you had an awesome week at BEA! Can't wait to see your BEA haul.
My recent post Sunday Post #4
nmhewitt 98p · 562 weeks ago
kimatbookswoon 25p · 562 weeks ago
My recent post Book Review: Bitter Spirits by Jenn Bennett
nmhewitt 98p · 562 weeks ago
Natalie Carroll · 562 weeks ago
My recent post Goddess Born: A Spotlight!
Peggy Farooqi · 562 weeks ago
My recent post First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Teaser Tuesdays