Day 2: My Pros & Cons of Blogging
I'm joining in on the New Year's Challenge, which is being hosted over at Parajunkee! Each day, we'll have a new post. Today is all about the pros and cons of blogging
- All the awesome bloggers I've met!
- Interacting with authors!
- Feeling like someone out there cares what I have to say.
- Free books!
- Exposure to LOTS of books I otherwise would have never known about.
- The great feeling I get when someone compliments a review or my blog in general.
- Time. (I had no idea when I started how much it would take!)
- Pressure to keep up and grow my blog (all self-inflicted).
- Time. (Did I say that already?)
That about sums it up. I LOVE blogging, even if it does take up a lot of my free time. My one year blogoversary is coming soon and I can't wait for another fantastic year!
erlessard 36p · 584 weeks ago
(Though when it's spam...something inside me dies.)
I think that everyone should be given an extra hour in the day to get all the **** done. It's weird how much more time goes into running a blog than just reading and writing the review.
My recent post Day 2 — Your Pros and Cons of Blogging
alexia561 57p · 584 weeks ago
My recent post BBNYC Day 2: Pros & Cons of Blogging
Jamie (Jay Riv) · 582 weeks ago
The great feeling I get whe n someone compliments a review or my blog in general." Yes and YES!! Great list!
My recent post Nevermore by Keith R.A.DeCandido-- A SUPERNATURAL Review!