Thursday, January 9, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday - Blogger Resolutions

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! This is a blog hop that allows bloggers to gain new followers and find some awesome new blogs to follow themselves!

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has a blog that they feature each week!

So, if you're a blogger, come join in on the fun!

Here's today's question -

Resolutions: Put together your blogger resolution list for all of us to see!

I posted these recently for the New Year's Challenge, but here they are again in case you missed them:

1. Create a Feature (or Two)

I've had an idea for a feature that I've wanted to run on my blog for quite some time now, but I never seem to get myself coordinated enough to actually put it together.  This year it's happening!  I'd like to do something along the lines of "My Bookworthy Life" and compare some of the events in my young adult life to the YA books we all read - you know, things like first crush, first kiss, first real boyfriend, etc.  I love thinking about what type of book heroine I would have been and whether or not parts of my real life would have been "bookworthy".  What do you guys think?  Sound fun or just weird?

2. Promote My Editing

This is only partially related to blogging, but I'm putting it here anyway.  I started editing this year, but really haven't promoted my services much.  I LOVE editing (I'm one of those strange people who read The Copyeditor's Handbook from cover to cover and loved every minute of it), so I definitely want to do more!  Gotta get myself out there!

3. Ease Up on Review Tour Spots

I love doing book tours, but I'm finding that I don't have time to read all of the other books that I really want to read because I overbook myself a bit.  So, I'm going to try really hard not to book so many review tour spots.  (I'm already finding this hard, though - I keep seeing books that look really good, so I can't help myself and I sign up for the tours!)

4. Learn More About HTML and Design

I really want to get better at the design (and HTML) aspect of my blog.  Not that I want to change my overall blog design (which I love), but I want my individual posts to look prettier.  I've learned a lot in this past year, but I need to know MORE!
Hope 2014 is good to everyone!!

Follow on Bloglovin 

I prefer to be followed via Bloglovin', but another way will work if you don't do Bloglovin'.

Comments (16)

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Hopping through. I find that I enjoy to tour spots but definitely don't like feeling that all my time is scheduled. Then reading isn't fun.
My recent post Feature and Follow Friday #183
1 reply · active 583 weeks ago
Yes, I like them too - it's just that I have a stack of books I want to read that I never get to because I over-schedule myself!! :-)
I actually already follow you via bloglovin, but I've only been blogging for a week now so I'm a baby blogger. You have some great goals, though! My main one is to meet new people in the blogging community! :)

Pivot Book Reviews FF
1 reply · active 583 weeks ago
Welcome to blogging!! I think you'll find that you love it!
OOoh nice resolutions!! Wish you the best of luck with them all!

Here's my Follow Friday

Have a GREAT day!

Old Follower :)
1 reply · active 583 weeks ago
Thanks!! Hope you have a great 2014!
Create a feature sounds good. I don't know if I could do it. I wish you the best with your goals.

Here is my FF

Happy Friday!
My recent post Feature and Follow #29: Blogger Resolution
1 reply · active 583 weeks ago
Sometimes I just don't feel creative enough, but then I realize I just need to give myself more credit and go for it!
Good resolutions, and good luck with the editing. Followed through GFC.

Check out my FF post for this week.
1 reply · active 583 weeks ago
I also want to learn some html and design and love to read books on grammar and such. Have a great week and good luck on your resolutions.


Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz
My recent post Feature & Follow Friday #9
1 reply · active 583 weeks ago
Yes, I definitely wish I had a better handle on design. I'm getting better, though.
I like your feature idea, but if you don't go with it, I like the idea of having your own feature or two too. And it's good to know you love editing! I write, but editing is like that last lap on the treadmill for me. I don't like it lol

New follower via GFC. Check mine out! :)

My FF: Isabelle's Book Reviews
1 reply · active 583 weeks ago
Well, if you're ever looking for an editor, keep me in mind! My prices are very reasonable!
Good luck on your goals! That feature could definitely be interesting! :) Followed back on bloglovin! :)

Denise @ Dandelionn Wine Book Blog
thanks for checking out my blog and following, I am following back! Good luck with your resolutions : )

Kate @ The Little Blog of Geek

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