Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Let's Discuss - Find a Co-blogger or Go It Alone?

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I've been thinking lately about soliciting a co-blogger for Feed Your Fiction Addiction, but I've kind of been waffling back and forth on it. On the one hand, it would be nice to take a little bit of the pressure off of myself, especially during times when I have an editing project or a vacation planned or something, but I'm a bit nervous about it. After all, this blog has been my baby for the past year-and-a-half and I've worked hard to make it what it is today. I'm proud of how much FYFA has grown in a relatively short amount of time, and I don't know for sure if I can give up my sense of control. I like the feeling of running "my" blog. Would that change too much if I brought someone else on?

Still, would the positives outweigh the negatives? Working with someone else would make the blog a bit less work (I'm not expecting anyone to take over 50/50 or anything). Plus, I could definitely use someone whose strengths would help make up for my weaknesses (social media, I'm looking at you).

So, some questions for you - if you are now or have ever co-blogged:

Did it work out or did problems arise? What types of problems should I expect?
Was it hard to coordinate who would do what when?
How hard was it to find a like-minded blogger who wanted to join your team?
Any other advice? What haven't I asked?

I appreciate any feedback at all. This feels like such a huge decision to me for some reason (which is why I'm hesitating).  

What do you think? Have you considered co-blogging? Done it? 
I want to know!

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I don't think I could dedicate the time needed to have a full on co-blogger, and I'd have the same issues about it being "my" blog and my baby. Everyone's voice is so unique it must be hard bringing those two styles together - I know because I've just launched a co-feature. Don't get me wrong there haven't been any big bust-ups, but it can be challenging! I think some guest posts etc. is a happy medium?...

R x
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday – Books I’d Give to Someone Who Doesn’t Read
1 reply · active 554 weeks ago
Yes, I think that's what I'm afraid of - that I would get too possessive of "my" blog and not want to share! (Let's face it, I'm a kindergartner at heart). :-) Maybe a co-feature would be a fun way to team up with another blogger without making a total commitment to co-blogging. I'll have to think about that!
I've been struggling with these same thoughts! Should I team up with someone, bring in guest bloggers, etc. Deep down I really feel like teaming up with someone would be ideal, but only if I could find that absolute right person. That's really where the tricky part is, though. How do you find that one person that can help you in the areas you're weak in, make you better at the things you're already doing well with, and not step on your toes???
1 reply · active 554 weeks ago
Yes, finding that absolutely right person is the real challenge. I see lots of people who blog together and seem to do well with it, but I always wonder if it would work out for me.
That's a tough one. For me personally, I've decided to just cut back on the amount of posts I put up, due to life stuff becoming more time consuming, instead of looking at other options. But, while that will work fine for me, it may not be the best solution for you. Good luck as you decide what to do!
My recent post Making a Difference in a Real Way
1 reply · active 554 weeks ago
Yes, cutting back on posts is definitely another option. I have considered it, but I was surprised at how much my traffic went down when I just had one week where I wasn't posting regularly (because my daughter was in the hospital) - it took another week or so for it to get back to normal! I guess it shouldn't matter since it did get back up there, but it just made me think about my blog traffic a bit more.
This is a touchy subject for most of us, because our blogs are our own personal projects. I got my start in blogging by being a co-blogger for a friend. At first I didn't know how to use my blog site (Wordpress), so I was learning about using the site and about blogging, and I wasn't getting a lot up because I was just staring out. That didn't matter to either of us, but if you are seriously considering a co-blogger, I strongly recommend someone who is already familiar with your blogging site OR is a fast learner and will take it upon herself to figure it out so that you aren't spending more time teaching her.

There weren't really any problems, at first, because my friend was a very casual blogger, and she still is. In fact, she's only posted twice since March! It wasn't until after we both went on hiatus, and I came back full-time and she was casually doing whatever, when things started getting a little rocky, BUT there were also personal things with our friendship there as well, so I can't say it was all about the blogging. She did change the structure of her site, so I couldn't schedule a post for any day (because we never had a schedule), it all went through her, which was fine, but a few of my posts were intentional to coincide with fundraisers the authors were doing, which were known to her, and weren't posted in time. Make sure your co-blogger can schedule and post on her own, that it doesn't sit in an approval section.

Since I am very structured and calendar oriented, and she isn't, it just wasn't a good fit for us...and in honestly, by that time my blog was running full force and I was tired of copying my reviews (with my formatting) to her site, and the formatting getting ALL screwed up when it posted. That drives me crazy; it does not drive her crazy. So...find someone who conducts business similar to how you do.

Set clear expectations of what you need in a co-blogger. Communicate regularly and definitely have a schedule of what's happening on the blog and who is doing it. One thing that was very good about my co-blogging experience was that she filtered all incoming review requests - anything that remotely fit the childrens/middle grades/YA/ fantasy realm, she sent to me, so we didn't have gigantic reading piles (although I still did, because I was still taking requests from my own blog). Sharing and divvying up review requests can be very helpful and takes away from the feeling of being overwhelmed about your TBR pile.

Now that school is starting back up, my time is becoming much more limited, so like Finley said, I will be reducing the number of posts I do each week/month, but ironically I am adding a new discussion feature.
1 reply · active 554 weeks ago
Thanks for your insights, Charlie! These are the kinds of things that I've been wondering about - wondering if the costs might be bigger than the benefits. I'm definitely still thinking about it, but I want to go in with my eyes wide open.
I have never co blogged...but I have not even been doing this for a year yet. I get overwhelmed sometimes, and think that I might have bit off more than I can chew... We shall see. I can see how a co-blogger would help...but I am so dang OCD, I don't know if I would be able to handle any one else doing anything. I am a control freak ;)
1 reply · active 553 weeks ago
Yes, it would be hard to share the work because I'm afraid I'd want it done my way. LOL!
My friend and I started the blog together, so we're co-bloggers. I think it makes things more fun because you can bounce ideas off each other as well as do dual posts to share both view points. It helps in coming up with topic ideas because there's two heads working together. There is a little bit of coordination so you both do the same thing, or don't overwrite what someone else is working on, but it has been a very positive experience for me.
1 reply · active 553 weeks ago
Yes, it would be fun to share the experience with someone too. Good point!
If you are a control freak, I suggest rather than finding a "co-blogger," you find an associate reviewer or review contributor. Or several. If you put out a call, you'll be amazed at the response you get, and that way, it's still your baby and you still maintain control. If, over time, someone demonstrates their willingness to put in the effort, you can upgrade them to co-blogger, but I think help is always a good ;)
My recent post Question: Do You Have Trouble Transitioning From YA Romance to Adult Romance?
1 reply · active 553 weeks ago
I like to think I'm not a control freak, but then when it comes to certain things, I feel like I am. I'm just afraid my blog would be one of those things! :-) I think it's a great idea to see if someone's interested in being a review contributor, though. That might be a way to mix things up a bit, but not feel like I'm giving away my blog. Your blog is one of those that has a few reviewers that I've always admired. You guys seem like you must work together really well!
This is something I've been thinking about lately as well. Due to my recently super busy schedule, I haven't been posting nearly as much as I used to and when I do, the posts are usually just short reviews. I just don't seem to have the time I used to and it hurts my heart a little bit - haha. My page views have gone way down and that sucks. But, what's a girl to do? If I don't have time, I don't have time! I try not to stress about it and just enjoy what I do still manage to get done for my blog.

Anyway...back to the topic at hand. I've thought about the idea of co-blogging. But, I'm not sure it would work. I mean, a lot of things would be awesome about it (two minds, more posts, etc.). But one thing I just can't seem to get past is what happens if I want to read the same book that my co-blogger already read and reviewed on the blog?? I want to post my review (I review pretty much all the books I read, since I started blogging anyway), but we can't have 2 reviews of the same book on the same blog! Or can we??
My recent post Review: Outside In

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