Visit me at!
I have most everything moved over, but you'll probably notice some small changes as I get things arranged over on the new site. The biggest issue I've run into so far is that I can't transfer my IntenseDebate comments over to my new blog!! So, the last year's worth of posts are looking pretty bare over there - I'm still trying to figure out if I can solve this problem, but it's not looking hopeful.(Here's my warning - everyone should just stay away from IntenseDebate, it has been nothing but a headache since I installed it!!)
Hopefully, if you follow me by email or Bloglovin' you'll be moved over to my new blog seamlessly. If you're a GFC or Networked Blogs follower, I hope that you'll head on over and visit the new site and follow there!
Looking forward to visiting with you on the new improved site!!
trin carl · 251 weeks ago