Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spam-a-lot - Who comes up with this stuff?

Do you ever read through the spam comments that you get on your blog? They can be pretty frustrating, but they can also be a source of great entertainment!  I mean, really, who do they think they're fooling?  Since those poor spammers never get a single reply, I thought I'd take a sampling of my spam and respond to their comments here.  It's only fair, right?
(Click the images if you need to see them a bit larger.)

First, we have the insulting spam.  Is this supposed to get my attention?  I guess it worked.

The least you can do if you're going to spam me is praise my wonderful work!

And then there are those spam comments that are just downright weird and confusing!

Ah, the joys of spam.  Since I've moved to CommentLuv, I don't get much of it anymore, but the ones that slip through (on old posts) are so much fun!  Who needs books?  I should just start reviewing spam!

So, how about you?  Any good spam lately?  Don't keep it all to yourself!  Please, share!

This post is being linked to the Let's Discuss blog hop over at Oh, Chrys! and The Fiction Conniption!  Come join us for some fun discussions!

Comments (27)

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Your annotations are pure win! I get the most crazy sheettttt on my blog as well. Like these perfume and knock-off purse links. Ick,
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
Bwahahaha. I feel you, my fellow spam victim. Not only I get the above spams but there also spams that I can't understand at all because they're written in Japanese or Chinese. And there are are promotional spams where the spammers try to sell me Nike Shoes or Watches, etc. And there are those that merely imitate the title of your posts. Grrr...

It's really annoying to clean up spams because I have to double check them before I delete them for good. For some reason, some comments from my readers would find their way into my spam folder. *sighs*
My recent post Author Background: Does It Bother You?
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
BriIliant post! I went through my spam folder in the morning and the spam that I received - do not compute!

I get a lot of spam that's praising and stuff that tells me they noticed that my blog is small or I haven't been utilizing SEO and directs me to a link (which I refuse to click because it's a trick!). Lately, there's been spam comments in Japanese and I'm like o_O. I DON'T GET IT. And the ones in English use phrases that are extremely awkward. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE? To annoy me. ;D

I'm so glad I have Akismet to put all that spam into its folder!
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
Aren't they churned out by they had a few translated comments saved which are just randomly sent out to where ever they can post a comment.
My recent post Upcoming Book-to-Movie/TV Adaptations
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
I've had a sudden influx of japanese spam lately... to the point that google translate pops up and asks me if I want to translate the page!
My recent post Seven Forges by James A. Moore eARC {3 Stars}
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
Hahaha, those are really hilarious to read.
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
Lol! I loved this. You just made my morning!
What are people thinking when they write this nonsense?

Thanks for stopping by the Harem.
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
Those were funny! I rarely read through mine unless it comes to my email. What I do enjoy reading is the traffic sources for my blog. I used to put LOLcats in some of my posts, and I get SO many visits from those. I'd start using them again, but after a lot of bloggers got in trouble a year or so ago for using other people's content... Nah...
My recent post Review: Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
So frustrating and they never make sense. I got one this morning asking if I have a spam problem on my blog. Um, yeah...people like you! lol
My recent post Friday Feature: Meradeth Houston Paperback Release
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
Hahaha! Love this!! I know, those spam comments are just ridiculous...
My recent post Mini Review: Going Dark
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
Hahaha! I really loved your comments to them! And the last message was just comedic gold! :D
I have to say that I have never gotten any all! I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad that I am missing out on a couple of good laughs haha :)

My recent post Changes around the Internet!
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
Just for the sake of information most of the spam comments you get are automated and the comments are then "spun" where they take the text of the comment and replace words with a synonym...well sort of, a really dumb synonym most of the time. That's why you get the gibberish. The spammers do this to get a backlink to their own sites to help get a higher place in Google. Still they are awful and kinda funny.
My recent post Elysian Fields - Sentinels of New Orleans #3
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
I am choking on my iced tea while reading these, because I am holding back loud laughter. Your comments are so funny!! And the posters are so insulting for the most part. Wow, some people need to get a life.
Thanks for the chuckle; I needed it this week...
1 reply · active 598 weeks ago
BriIliant post! lolz those are really hilarious to read.

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