Today's Top Ten Tuesday is:
*Top Ten Tuesday* Top Ten Things That Make Your Life As A Book Blogger Easier
- Goodreads - Before I started blogging, I was writing reviews on Goodreads and it naturally led to blogging! I LOVE Goodreads and always check out prospective reads there before I go anywhere else. I especially love Goodreads Shelves - they make life so much easier!
- NetGalley - When I first started blogging, I assumed that I would need a huge following before I'd have access to any ARC's or free books for review. Then, I found out about NetGalley and thought, "What the heck, I might as well try it!" I was shocked to be accepted for almost every book I requested. Now that I have a bigger following, my only problem is not requesting too many books - I need to get to them all!
- Blog Tours - I really love participating in blog tours. I almost always try to review, but sometimes it's nice to throw in a spotlight post or a book blitz to make my life easier. I REALLY love it when blog tour hosts provide me with HTML. All I have to do is make some minor adjustments and add in a bit of my own flair (or add in my review or other info). What could be easier than that?
- My Kindle - I wasn't much of a Kindle reader before I started blogging, but most review copies come in eBook format, so it's kind of a must. I still love paper books, but I've come to really appreciate my Kindle as well.
- The Library - Even though I do a lot of blog tours and NetGalley reviews, I still really love to read paper books. But I hate to break the bank (and my bookshelves) by buying every new book I want to read. The library is a wonderful place!
- Rafflecopter - Rafflecopter is the best thing since sliced bread. I mean it. It makes giveaways so darn easy!!
- Google Calendar - I don't know how I'd survive as a blogger without a good online calendar. Absolute necessity as far as I'm concerned! (Although even with a good calendar, I'm still a procrastinator!)
- Twitterfeed - I'm not much of a Twitter user, so I have to admit that I wasn't really even putting my posts up on Twitter. But, recently Roxanne over at Bewitching Book Tours introduced me to Twitterfeed - it automatically posts for me. Problem solved!
- Scheduling - Sadly, it wasn't until relatively recently (maybe a month or so ago?) that I realized how to schedule my posts. I know it's pretty obvious, but I just hadn't noticed that option over there. Boy, is life easier now that I can schedule ahead of time!
- Bloglovin' - I LOVE Bloglovin'! Yes, there are lots of other feeds out there, but Bloglovin' is the only one I pay all that much attention to. It just seems so easy to use - it sends me an email with new posts and I can easily scroll through the newest posts at Oh, and I LOVE that I get an email for every new follower and it's so easy to follow back!
- Other Bloggers - Yep, I know that this is #11, but I couldn't leave this one out! Not only do my fellow bloggers have a wealth of information, they are a fun bunch of people who I love interacting with!
So, what's helped you the most with your blogging?
thalia20clio 22p · 603 weeks ago
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Making Blogging Easier
nmhewitt 98p · 603 weeks ago
Ula @ Blog of Erised · 603 weeks ago
And same for Kindle and Goodreads, love both!
nmhewitt 98p · 603 weeks ago
duffygal 25p · 603 weeks ago
nmhewitt 98p · 603 weeks ago
ritahomeofbooks 1p · 603 weeks ago
Tiffany · 603 weeks ago
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things That Make Your Life As A Reader/Book Blogger Easier
nmhewitt 98p · 603 weeks ago
Emma · 603 weeks ago
I love your blog design. :)
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday 8.20.13
nmhewitt 98p · 603 weeks ago
Allie · 603 weeks ago
- Allie @ Little Birdie Books
My recent post Review: Forbidden {Tabitha Suzuma}