Friday, August 30, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday - Only One Book

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! This is a blog hop that allows bloggers to gain new followers and find some awesome new blogs to follow themselves!

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has a blog that they feature each week!

So, if you're a blogger, come join in on the fun!

Here's today's question -

Q: If you could only have ONE – one book – for the rest of your life. Don’t cheat…what would it be?

Okay, this is a REALLY hard question.  There's the obvious answer (at least for me) - The Bible. (I don't know what these circumstances are that I can only have one book, but they can't be good - I think I'd be needing my Bible!)

But besides that, I think I would possibly choose Les Misérables?  It's a really long book, so it would keep me occupied and I've always wanted to read it, but I've never gotten around to it - this way I'd be forced!

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The bible will be a popular choice I think. I stuck to my Paranormal genre, as I've just fallen in love with a new series!

Here's My FF!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

My recent post Feature and Follow #49 ~ ONE Forever Book
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
I was tempted to do what you did and choose an anthology, but I decided to just choose one really long book instead. I think I'd miss reading paranormal books, though!!
Nice pick! Haven't seen anyone else pick a religious text.

Here's my Follow Friday

Have a GREAT weekend!

Old Follower :)
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
Yeah, I had to pick something besides the Bible too, though, since the Bible just seemed like such an obvious and stereotypical answer!

Thanks for stopping by!
The Bible is a great pick, but I like even more that you would pick a book you haven't even read yet- that is crazy awesome! Of course, I have read Les Mis, and while I liked, I don't know if I could spend eternity (or the rest of my book life) with it. I would, however, be okay with living with the Broadway soundtrack of the musical Les Mis as my only cd to listen to.

New Bloglovin follower.

1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
I know - I'm taking a chance, right? I might be stuck with a book I hate forever! Oooh, I could definitely handle having the Les Mis soundtrack as my only CD - that would be an excellent choice. I guess if I didn't like the book, I would just have to make it more interesting by singing the songs to myself in the parts that coincided with the book! :-)
I agree, Bible is one of the best book to read. new GFC follower

hope you can visit my Follow Friday
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
Definitely. Thanks for stopping by!
Good idea! I think choosing Les Mis would be a great idea. I haven't read it yet either, but have always wanted to. this would force me to finally read it since its the only book I'd have!


Tina @ Pages of Comfort - new follower via bloglovin! Can I also say that i LOVE your banner on top! Sooo cute! (:
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
Yes, I've always wanted to read it, but I've just never actually tackled it - it's SO long! :-)

Thanks for the compliment on the banner - I actually can't take any credit. All I did was add my blog title to it. The blog design came from Lena! (And then I just made some little modifications to make it work for me).
Great book, and a long read. Good choice. My FF
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
Long seemed necessary in this case. I often read a regular sized book in a day (especially light genre fiction),, so I would be awfully bored if I had to read that same book every day. I'd need something meatier!
I almost picked the Bible, I wouldn't have an excuse as to why I didn't finish it since it'd be my only book!

Here's my post.
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
I know, right? I actually read through the whole Bible in college and have probably read it all again at least once (in pieces), but it still amazes me how I find new things all the time.

That's the same reason I chose Les Mis, though - I would HAVE to read it if I didn't have anything else! (And I've been meaning to read it for a very long time).
Yep. Great choice. I was going for length too -- My FF -- and Les Mis would also be good for that! And, I've never read it, so that would be a bonus. Maybe Anna Karenina fits that requirement too -- or War & Peace!
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
Shakespeare was definitely a great choice. I don't know if I could handle Anna Karenina or War & Peace, but I've always wanted to read Les Mis!
Good answer! Can't go wrong there. :)
Very great choices!!!

New bloglovin follower!
My recent post Feature and Follow Friday
Another book that I've been thinking of reading and haven't yet.

New follower,
The Book Cove
My recent post Feature and Follow #6 (One book for life - Let's discuss Jane Austen)

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