Friday, February 7, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday - Read it For the First Time - Again

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! This is a blog hop that allows bloggers to gain new followers and find some awesome new blogs to follow themselves!

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has a blog that they feature each week!

So, if you're a blogger, come join in on the fun!

Here's today's question -

If you could read a book for the “first time” again, which book would it be? Why?

This is a hard question for me, since I don't often re-read books.  I guess I'd say Harry Potter.  I re-read it when my son was old enough to pick it up and now I'd like my daughter to read it too (she's resistant for some reason).  I'm planning to re-read it along with her, but I would LOVE it if it could be just like the first time!

Make sure you head over to my Blogoversary Giveaway before you leave!  There will be over 50 winners!!!

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Definitely can not go wrong with Harry Potter. Makes me happy that I have kids that one day I will be delighted to read them the HP stories :)
Pop in and check out very first FF :)
My recent post My Very First: FEATURE & FOLLOW ♥
1 reply · active 579 weeks ago
I know this will be a popular answer, but it's so true. (It's my answer too.) And I have re-read them, but it's not like the first time. (Although reading all seven in a row without a year between them was really fun!) Here's my FF
My recent post Feature & Follow Friday - Feels Like the First Time
1 reply · active 579 weeks ago
Harry Potter is a popular choice!! :) I almost put it down as mine too!

Follower via GFC! :)

My FF: Isabelle's Book Reviews
1 reply · active 579 weeks ago
HP is getting picked quite a lot today! It came in second place for me after LotR. Happy Friday!

New BlogLovin' and GFC follower! My first FF!
2 replies · active 579 weeks ago
I almost picked Harry Potter too. Great choice. Have a good week.

Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz
My recent post Feature & Follow Friday #12
Jessica@a GREAT read's avatar

Jessica@a GREAT read · 579 weeks ago

Nice! Harry was one of my picks as well! Nearly any bookish question can be answered with Harry! So I always feel the need to have a non-Harry answer as well!

Here's my Follow Friday

Have a GREAT weekend!

Old Follower :)
1 reply · active 579 weeks ago
HP is on my list today as well :) I can't wait till I get to read it with my future kids! Hopefully they love it as much as I do!

Tina @ Pages of Comfort - old follower
1 reply · active 579 weeks ago
I picked Harry Potter too :) New GFC follower! My F&F Friday.
HP is a great choice. I love reading with my kids too.

Old GFC follower

My FF @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog
Such a great choice (it was mine too)! I've reread them so many times - I wouldn't give up on your daughter reading them though...When I was in middle school I didn't want it, my Mom got it for me and then once I tried the first one I was a goner! Thanks for the share and for visiting my blog!

New follower via bloglovin'
My recent post Feature & Follow #FF - February 6
1 reply · active 578 weeks ago
I'm surprised your daughter doesn't want to read the books. I am not sure how old she is, but I have some friends who don't want to read it either. They say that they know what happens because of the movies even though I tell them the movies are nothing like the books! Great pick!

Angela's Anxious Life
My recent post Follow Me Friday
1 reply · active 578 weeks ago
Harry Potter was another one I would have had on my list of books! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I followed back via Bloglovin.
Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog
I thought this would be a popular answer but this is the only time I've read it. The first time I found out about Harry Potter was in High School, I was a freshman & my teacher would read it during reading time. I never cared that much about it, still don't but I've seen one or two of them. I guess cause it was something different. I think it's so cute that you get to share that with your kids. I'm a new GFC & Blog Lovin follower.

Have a great weekend.
My recent post Feature Follow #9
I would have to go with Harry Potter too. :)
Love Harry Potter!

Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf
Harry Potter would be fantastic to experience again for the first time. I kind of experienced it again for the first time when my daughter read it. It took me a while to get her to read it, but once she started, she read them all back to back. She recently said she's been thinking about rereading them all again. :)
Old follower by Bloglovin' :)
My FF @ Donnie Darko Girl

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Hi there, following thru from Parajunkie's FF, and now following you via Google Plus, Twitter & Facebook. You can find me at BookShelves Of Dreams

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