Now, on to the good stuff! How can it get any better than winning an ereader? Well, getting a look at the book that started this awesome giveaway of course! First, let's set the mood... I think this song fits so well for the whole book. If you have read it - do you hear it? I can hear Brady singing it to Karis lol. I listened to this song while writing Ageless Sea and it is on my playlist over on Spotify, should you want to listen to the whole "soundtrack" I used. Can you pick out any songs for certain scenes??? While writing Ageless Sea I didn't sleep much, my keyboard became my pillow. From beginning to end, my characters kept me on my toes. They changed into amazing people that I am happy to share with you. Ageless Sea started off with a dream I had in the middle of the night. I remember rolling over and grabbing my phone to take notes because it was perfect and since then I haven't been able to get Karis or Brady too far out of my mind. One thing I didn't realize until I started writing, was that Brady was funny. I laughed out loud many times while writing and my family would look at me with that 'she's losing it' look and move on. Here is a part of one of the first scenes where he shows his humorous side:
“What is that?”
Karis looked up
from the fire with a scowl. “Dinner. What did you think it was?”
“Oh no, I’m not
eating that, that thing.” Brady pointed at the sea urchin she held in her
She let her
shoulders droop. “We don’t eat the whole thing, just this part.” She dangled a
small portion of it with her fingers.
“Oh hell no!” He
held his hands up. “I won’t eat Rocky Mountain Oysters, what makes you think
I’d eat them off a sea creature.” He placed a hand over his mouth. “I think I’m
gonna be sick.”
She laughed. It
never crossed her mind that eating that part of the urchin would be distasteful
to him. She’d eaten them for so long it was like second nature.
Karis shrugged. “We
could go fishing if you prefer?”
“Yes, I prefer.” He glanced at the urchin one
more time and cringed. “Can you please just toss it out or something? I can’t
believe you eat those.”
Karis rolled her
eyes at him. “For such a strong guy, you’re sure weak.” She picked up the
basket of urchins and laid them aside. “So are you fishing or am I?”
He grabbed the
fishing basket and started down the trail. “I think I can figure it out.”
I love to write fantasy, so it was fun to create the world's inside this book. Romance with fantasy, that is my favorite, so that is what I did. I can't tell you how much you all mean to me. I love that you enjoy my stories as much as I do and how excited you get with your favorite characters... or sometimes even the messages about how you lost sleep because you couldn't put the my book down, makes me happy. I love hearing from all of you and can't thank you enough. I really hope you love Karis and Brady and their journey as much as I do!
M.R. Polish
Don't Forget to join us Tomorrow May 2nd for the LIVE Blog Talk Radio Show!! You can call in and talk to us and listen in on the fun. The Winner of the Giveaway will also be announced!!
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Kindle: Ageless Sea for Kindle
Nook: Ageless Sea for Nook
Paperback: Ageless Sea Paperback on Amazon
Also, if you would like a signed paperback, you may email me at and I would love to do that for you as well. It is 15.00 and that covers S&H.
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